Friday, September 5, 2008

Please, Don't Eat These Daisies!

Well, I can finally share my latest flower collage with you -- it's the DAISY COLLAGE. (Which the majority of you guessed correctly!)

It's a very cheerful design....and it makes me smile to look at it. (I'm also smiling because I finally got the model FINISHED after being buried in my to-do pile for many months. ahem.)

Well, daisies are like that, aren't they? They make you happy just to look at them; no pretense, just pure sunshine. Like Meg Ryan's character says in YOU'VE GOT MAIL: "Don't you think that daisies are the friendliest of flowers?" (Thank you, Coni, for that wonderful movie quote...I totally agree with Meg.)

Coincidentally, I was dragging my feet about tent stitching the center bouquet this past weekend and while flipping channels, came across the Doris Day movie, "Please Don't Eat the Daisies". What could be more perfect? So I decided to stitch along with the movie...and voila, my daisies are done! (Although, I must confess that I also have that movie song stuck in my head now, with those silly lyrics looping over and over in my brain...)

But at least I have the model done.... so I can send it off to one of my distributors, Nordic Needle, who will show it off at the next big trade show in September. Meanwhile, I've just finished the instructions - HOORRAY! DAISY COLLAGE will be popping up on my website any day now...


  1. Beautiful Laura! Congrats on finishing another wonderful design!!

  2. I just really love your new designs here! They are just gorgeous! I was just thinking I wish you had one with the house that you have on your blog and when I found it I just was elated! When I can, I would love to order the Lone Star House pattern! I love the new Please Don't Eat These Daisy's pattern too! In fact everything you design is just breathtaking!!

  3. Very pretty as are most of your designs.

  4. I love this! Daises are my daughter's favorite flower and I've wanted to stitch a daisy theme piece for her for ages! Do you have any tips on changing the color scheme to white daisies?

  5. Sweet colors for a fabulous design, Laura! I remember that Doris Day movie!! LOL

  6. Another outstanding piece! All of your flowers are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Love this design! It really brightens my mood just to look at it. Will have to put it on my to buy list.
