Friday, October 17, 2008

"Something Told the Wild Geese..."

Something told the wild geese
It was time to go.
Though the fields lay golden
Something whispered -- "Snow."
Leaves were green and stirring,
Berries, luster-glossed,
But beneath warm feathers
Something cautioned - "Frost."
All the sagging orchards
Steamed with amber spice,
But each wild breast stiffened
At remembered ice.
Something told the wild geese
It was time to fly --
Summer sun was on their wings,
Winter in their cry.

- Rachel Field

Did you read this poem when you were in school? I did; it was one of my childhood favorites. And it came to mind when I designed this MALLARD DUCK COLLAGE.

It was also brought to mind by the "V"s of Canada Geese that are starting to appear more frequently overhead, heading south or south-east over Healdsburg. Every time I hear the geese honking above, I rush outside to see them, wishing them a safe journey to wherever they are headed. Although, there are small groups of geese that winter over here in Healdsburg, wherever there are small lakes or parks.

Speaking of migrating geese, I was driving down Hwy 101 to Santa Rosa, and glancing over at the acres of grape vineyards lining the freeway, I saw a small group of Canada Geese just standing between the rows of grape vines. Do you suppose they were nibbling on the ripe grapes, just before they were harvested? What a beautiful sight it was - I wished I had my camera with me to take that unusual shot!

[Visit my website: to see the new MALLARD DUCK COLLAGE and its list of materials.]


  1. This is such a beautiful project! I am originally from Idaho and always loved the ducks and geese! This is just beautiful and I think it is a must have for me! The poem is just lovely! Debby:)

  2. Hi Laura,

    I was reading the poem while I was looking at the picture of your design and I'm thinking, Ummmm... That's a Mallard Duck not a Goose... So glad to see that "Mallard Duck Collage" is the name of the design. LOL!

    I live where the geese migrate to on the East Coast and am very familiar with them. But they can be messy! We usually end up with a pair or two in our backyard several times a year and they can be quite noisy early in the morning. :-(

    We also have a resident flock at work and they will nest on the grounds. So every couple of years we get emails to be careful that they are nesting with the location of the nests near the buildings. It's also fun when they are pairing up and "arguing" about mates. Have you ever seen geese up on a two story building or one on an SUV honking like crazy? Lot's of fun! :-)

    Love the design!

    Windy Meadow

  3. I this this design is just beautiful, you have such a way of creating really lovely elegant and beautiful designs and I this one is inspirational

  4. I do remember that poem - and loved it. BTW, I found that wonderful old Elsa Williams Bargello book from the 70's that I mentioned on e-bay for $3. I am enjoying it immensely!

  5. I have been noticing the geese here in NC! This has wonderful colors--As always! Beautiful!

  6. OMG, I am duck CRAZY so that has just gone straight onto the wishlist ... big hints will be delivered to family members for Christmas coming up ;) LOVE this design :D

  7. Ah Rachel Field. She was quite a popular author in those literature books of a certain age.

    Love the duck collage. Made me think of my father, who I'd stitch this for if he was still with us.

  8. Hi Laura,
    Just love your mallard piece. I have North Woods in my stash and was taken with it from the first time I saw it. Couldn't decide whether to get the green or tan I have both! It makes a nice companion piece to the mallards. Love your designs!

  9. I absolutely love this design and those colors are right down my alley.

    You always seem to come up with the cutest designs :-)

    Pierrette =^..^=
