Monday, March 2, 2009

Hardanger Wildflowers

A while ago, I showed you a few Hardanger valentines.

Well, it got me to thinking about another Hardanger project I designed several years ago for Nordic Needle. It's called WILDFLOWER SAMPLER.

I've always liked the delicacy of this piece. It's stitched on ivory 24 ct. Congress Cloth, and the finished design size is 10" x 10".

Initially, I wanted to do a bit of Hardanger, but also I wanted to incorporate a variegated thread (naturally), as well as some soft springy pastels. I ended up using Caron Collection's Wildflowers (a single-ply, matte cotton) in 088 - "Mountain Meadow" (one of my favorite colors, since it has a lovely mix of pinks, yellows, blues and greens). Along with #8 and #12 pearl cottons in soft pinks and greens. I even added a sprinkling of pink beads for added texture.

The Hardanger medallions in this piece always remind me of little flower bouquets, especially when the kloster blocks are stitched to look like flowers. As you can also see, I added some pink wrapped roses, to add even more flowers to the design.

And, as I was designing this piece, I thought I'd add some floral blackwork motifs as well...(why stitch just one technique, when you can add two or three more, for a little stitching variety?!?)

And to finish it off, a ribbon border that has a bit of blackwork and a few wrapped roses, too.

I don't think Nordic Needle carries this pattern any more. So check my website, under the Sampler Collection and you'll see it there.... (Now that I look at it again, I'm thinking it would sure look awfully pretty in pale lavenders and greens, perhaps using Wildflowers' "Lilac" or "Pale Lilac"....What do you think?)


  1. I love the combination of the Hardanger and Blackwork very pretty

  2. I am working on that one right now. The colors remind me that Spring is coming.

  3. Thanks for sharing your lovely hardanger. The motif and colors are so delicate and timeless. You seem to possess an inate ability to share your skill equally between many facets of embroidery. Amazing! I enjoy reading your blog and am always excited to see what comes next.

  4. I really like the variegated threads. Gives a very different look to the Hardanger. One of these days I will try both techniques.

  5. Gorgeous combination of tectiques and threads!

  6. Can't wait to see it on your website as it's just stunning.

  7. I would love to purchase this pattern but can't find your site .. can you please send me a link? I must just be missing it somehow .. and I'll probably find it as soon as I leave this comment *lol*

  8. That is gorgeous.... I just started hardanger and I am hooked.

  9. Es muy bonito me encanta.
    Un saludo desde Madrid EspaƱa

  10. I love the colors of spring, makes me smile! Most of the time I do white on white. But I'm not sure my next project will be...
