Monday, February 23, 2009


Ooooooh, thread lovers.... check this out!

This weekend, whilst rambling through online stitchery sites, I stumbled upon another great place to reseach threads.

Actually, I was trying to find some sort of cross-reference or thread guide that would show me which new Threadworx threads corresponded to the old Needle Necessities Floss Overdyed colors. (Are you like me and have a stash of old Floss Overdyed skeins and would like to see how the new Threadworx variegated colors compare? Well, read on...)

Anyway, I finally ended up at NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK's website:


Not only do they post a picture of every color of Threadworx's Overdyed Floss, but they include the old Needle Necessities color number, if applicable. What a wonderful thing to do for all us stitchers!

I also had a blast checking out their color lists for various other types of threads. I was especially pleased to see a full list of Caron Collection's Watercolours. The pictures are WONDERFUL -- you can actually see most of the variegated skein's colors. It's a great way to see the true thread colors, which helps you decide on the threads for your next project. I spent some time hop, skip & jumping thru their very extensive list of threads. I can tell you that I'll be visiting this site again, very soon....

So, THANK YOU, CATHE RAY AND STAFF, for all the hard work you've put into your website... just to provide an extra-special thread-choosing tool for all of us stitchers! [Aside: Needle In a Haystack is a stitchery store in Alameda, California with a fantastic line of all things needlework.... just like their website. And if you want to keep abreast of what's new in the needlework world, read their "What's New" section, which provides tantalizing blurbs on all sorts of new stitchery items - not to mention the latest in new threads.]

So, all you thread lovers out there: go and oogle all the luscious threads there are for us to choose from... I dare you NOT to get inspired by looking at all these threads (not to mention doing a little online shopping!)


  1. Mind reader.

    I just got an order of three of the new Gloriana silk colors from Cathe last Friday. WHOOPEE.

    I love thread.

  2. Yummy thread colours in the picture - they remind me of late summer fruit - apples, pears, peaches and plums.

  3. I had a lot of a Needle Necessity overdyed, so I thought I was safe using it on an embroidery. Of course, I was wrong! I ordered the corresponding ThreadworX thread, thinking that I would have to do something different - but IT GOES FINE. Even another batch of the same thread might not match, but I can't tell where I changed. WOW!

    Maybe the variegation helps, as the color varies anyway, who knows.

  4. oh Laura!

    Thank you SOOOO much for this! I live 5 hrs from my favorite shop, and our LNS has some threads, but not a complete selection, so these references will be fantastic.

    I plan to order from Needle in a Haystack and hope others will do the same!

