Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Two Hardanger Valentines

Well, here's another old pattern that hasn't seen the light of day for lo, these many years, called TWO RED VALENTINES:

I like doing Hardanger. It's exciting and rather dangerous.... you know, CUTTING the fabric after you've done a lot of the stitching! Scary stuff, right?
But of course, I can't do Hardanger in ONE color. Nooooooo, I always want to see what it will look like in different colors - or better yet, in a variegated color!
[Aside: Yup, what can I tell you, except I'm afraid I'm totally addicted to variegated threads. Can't. Stop. Using them. Ever.]

So here was my attempt to see if I could make two different "valentines" that were the same size, but with different designs that incorporated 1) Hardanger motifs, 2) blackwork motifs, 3) woven ribbon borders with wrapped roses, 4) two different variegated color palettes, and 5) two distinctly different canvas colors.

One has a more traditional hearts & flowers theme:

Here it is up-close:

The other has a floral theme:

And here's this one close up:

And, if you're interested, both of these designs were worked on 25 ct. Congress Cloth; and each design measures approx. 7.5" by 7.5".


  1. Oh these are just gorgeous,I love Hardanger, and I know what you mean about using colour on hardanger, I do love the simplicity of white on white,but love lots of colour!!

  2. These are really nice. Great color choice. I don't like stitching hardinger using just one color either. Kate

  3. Both designs are so lovely!!! I love them both!!! Your color choices are always spot on!!

  4. They are very pretty. Well done on your stitching.I am also impressed with hardanger.
