Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Turquoise

While I'm in a turquoise mood, I thought I'd show you more of the TURQUOISE BEAR COLLAGE, which is shown in part in the header photo above.

I actually have a turquoise bear fetish like this one; it was the inspiration for the whole piece, actually. I love all things southwestern, so it was really easy to put this design together, highlighting some of my favorite western things......

Such as Indian blankets,

turquoise and silver jewelry (I was trying to suggest silver concho belts),

and other Indian designs and symbols...

And they all combine to form this Southwestern design:


  1. Oh my... It's just beautiful!! I love color, and the pattern... oh, and those beads. It's just superb :D

  2. I love this. Love it, love it, love it! I collect badger fetishes but a few bear ones have snuck into my life because I couldn't resist them.

  3. I finished the bear this spring and just got it framed. I love it. It is for my son who has a very southwestern house in Colorado and a large carved acrilic bear shaped the same. Now on to the otter.
