Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Flowers: Chrysanthemums

I have resisted buying flowers this summer. What's the point, when it gets so hot you have to water every day and they wilt anyway? So I was really, really good this year until now. It's officially Autumn and suddenly I'm craving the smell of chrysanthemums. Just. Had. To. Have. Some.

So I got three blooming pots, intending to transplant them into larger pots,

and then I got some pumpkins at Granny's Pumpkin Patch

and when I made a grouping beside my front steps, everything looked so nice, I thought I'd just keep them this way.

So There.... I'm done. (And I can still enjoy looking and smelling them everyday.)

Have a beautiful October weekend...
(I hope you're all stitching on Halloween projects!)


  1. I don't know if they'll work in your neck of the woods, but do check out "October Glory" English chrysthanthemums--the most amazing peach color! You have to jump through hoops to get the regular ones to come back each year, but these beauties seem to thrive--and look good next to pumpkins!

  2. It's always a joy to see your flowers, the pumpkins are exceptional too. I'm hoping to get a least one whole day stitching this weekend. It's the Fall Art Festival season and that always requires several hours browsing.
