Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Same Time, Next Year....Ok?

I have a confession to make: I'm a seasonal stitcher.

I like to stitch pastel things in the springtime; lush green designs in the summer months; orange and gold leaves and Halloweeny stuff in the autumn; and lots of festive red and green designs when the holiday season rolls around. Which makes it hard for me as a designer, when I try to get patterns done IN ADVANCE of their proper season. I simply can't get enthused about stitching Christmas stuff in August, or Easter stuff in November. I've tried, but it doesn't work for me.

Which means I'm usually scrambling to finish some seasonal design in time to release it within the proper season. Sometimes I get it done, sometimes I don't. So then I put the unfinished design in the Pile O' Projects and move on to non-seasonal stuff and sigh a big sigh of relief.

I'm telling you this to explain why I DIDN'T get my Christmas ornaments pattern done this year. Earlier, I had the brilliant idea to make smaller ornament designs from my many quilt patterns. It's something I've wanted to do for myself, and thought there would be other stitchers who would like them too.

I rooted through my thread stash and found my favorite Christmas colors and threads to play with:

Then I decided on the size of each ornament, cut some canvas, and started stitching. Well, I got a few of them stitched, but not enough...and not in time to release this year.

So, I'll try to do better next year and get my ornaments done in time for the 2010 holiday season.


  1. Laura,

    I hope you succeed, as I'd love nothing more than being able to make Christmas ornaments out of your quilt designs! But, seasonal, schmeasonal. I can't wait until fall to start stitching Christmas ornaments. I work on them all year. So I don't care when you publish them! Just do it. Please???

    Rinda in Boise

  2. I'm definitely looking forward to these being available. I love the bottom right hand corner one the most, but all three are lovely!

    - Sue

  3. These are very pretty, very Christmasy, and perfect for Christmas 2010! So stitch away and Next Year we'll stitch with you.

  4. Just look at it as not being behind ... you're just 9 months AHEAD for next year! We love 'em - TFS!

  5. Your designs are great and timeless. You could always work a year ahead and introduce them during the "right" season :)
