Saturday, January 2, 2010

Finally, Some Quality Stitching Time!

Don't you just love the days AFTER the holidays, when you actually have the time to sit down and sneak in a bit of guilt-free stitching or knitting or reading or movie-watching or whatever else makes you happy?

Yesterday, January 1st 2010 was a deliciously grey, gloppy, gloomy day in Northern California - in other words, PERFECT STITCHING WEATHER.

Of course, the start of a New Year would have been the perfect time to start a New Project, and I intended to do just that. But I got sidetracked by an old project. Something I started a few months ago, got bored with, set aside and ignored...then VOILA -- it started calling my name yesterday from amongst all the other abandoned projects in the TO DO PILE, and so I picked it up again and started stitching on it.

Here it is. It's "SIERRA", a counted canvaswork design by Needle Delights Originals. I'm really enjoying the different stitch patterns - all easy and fun to do:

(Please forgive the less-than-wonderful picture quality. I was too lazy to remove the canvas from the floorstand, go to my office, turn on all the machines, scan & clean it properly. Instead I just snapped the photo in dim light and transferred it as is to my new laptop, just to see if I could do it that way, without moving off my comfy sofa...)

I am (of course) changing the colors on this design. And it has a rather holiday look to it, doesn't it - in green, cranberry and gold? Perfect project for the season, actually. So I plan to do a bit more stitching on it over the weekend.... (unless I get distracted by another project - which I'm guessing is going to happen more than once this weekend...ahem...)

Anyway, I also wanted to show you the wonderful stitching treats I got from my good friend, Laurel. She always seems to come up with some clever & useful stitching tool that becomes a favorite of mine. This Christmas, she made a holiday scissor fob with real red and green crystals. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT! And how nicely it matches my favorite green scissors...

And the little needle magnet (with the cute picture of the red bird sitting on the polar bear's head) has a hard, shiny, poofy top to it - like a layer of clear acrylic on it. She said she found a bag of these little squares in the scrapbook section of a local crafts store. I have NO IDEA what they're called, but they're really, really cute and the perfect size to make your own needle magnets. (And I'm certainly going to go looking for them next time I'm in a craft store!)

Anyway, that's what I'm up to this first weekend in 2010. I hope you're getting to enjoy some quality stitching time, too.


  1. I love the colours you chose for Sierra - just delicious.

    But I really wanted to comment on your mention of guilt-free stitching. Laura, how could you possibly ever feel guilty about stitching? Your work give so much pleasure to so many of us that it could be considered your *duty* to stitch! :)

  2. Laura, Sierra is a stunning piece. I haven't done any needlepoint in a while, but seeing this design and your beautiful stitches makes me think I need to do some.

    The gifts from Laurel are wonderful and ones I'm sure you're going to enjoy for years to come!!

    Happy New Year!

  3. I would be very interested if you have a book on some of your needlework. Your needlework is beautiful. Also I read on your blog here that you have a self published Blackwork Book. Can you email me some info on that. I also loved your Halloween Crow House. And your Tree and have so much that is beautiful. Please write to me and tell me about your designs. I would love to make some of them.

  4. Happy New Year. Looking forward to a new year of more great posts! I love your slideshow in the upper right corner!

  5. Wow - what a beautiful project!!!! I can't wait to watch your progress!! (and seeing what projects you get distracted by too!) (I also love the scissor fob and magnet also!!!) :)
    Happy New Year and Happy Stitching!

  6. I think you will find they are called 'inchies' if you look on etsy you will find them. You buy the little acrylic squares and buy downloads with pictures on them t adhere to the squares. I have bought some form America as i cant find them in the UK so you should not have any problems. Happy New Year - I love your wonderful stitching.
