Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Flowers: Red Mixed With Pink

I'm settling into my new house very nicely now. I've even had time to snap a few pictures of the flowers I've inherited from the previous owner. I'm guessing she REALLY liked red, since all the flowers are some variation of magenta. And I've also included some shots of dark pink flowers, that a good stitching friend of mine brought as a house-warming present, when she visited a few weekends ago. She said she wanted to make sure I had some new flowers to show in my "Friday Flowers" posting. Thanks, Laurel!

And in keeping with today's red theme, I'll close with a picture of my newest "stitching station" which shows off my new wicker patio furniture. It's very comfy, very spacious, and most importantly, very stitch-friendly!! I could EASILY spend all day lounging out there -- reading, stitching, and playing on my new (ahem, burgundy) Nindendo DS....

Happy Friday, Everyone...I hope you all enjoy some quality playtime this weekend!


  1. Such bright, vivid colours - and a wonderfully comfortable stitching station. Have a great weekend!

  2. Everything is so beautiful and inviting, including your new stitching station and chair. I know you're enjoying this. Are those oleanders in bloom in the background of the first photo?

  3. Game recommendations for the brand new Burgundy DS:

    Moon: explore an alien structure on the moon (shooter).

    Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 (adventure game, not out until next week but has great reviews)

    Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney series (solve crimes and play Perry Mason in the courtroom)

    Hotel Dusk Room 215 (mystery puzzle game)

    Insecticide (half mystery and half platformer)

    Grand Theft Auto Chinatown (free roaming shooter-mature game with great gameplay)
