Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy, Happy, Happy!

I'm pleased to report that the new quilt design I showed you a while back - RED HOT PEPPERS - is now done! I had so much fun stitching on this happy piece; I don't know if it was the funky design or the playful colors, but it was a delight to stitch up and I finished it inside of a week. Woo Hoo!

It's a larger quilt piece: 10" by 10" on 18 ct. mono canvas (I used eggshell), but it worked up fast. I know that the inner section looks very busy, but when you step back from the piece it looks like some sort of celebration's going on with Confetti! Pinata Goodies! Hot Tamale Candy! Mardi Gras Jewelry! There's a happy party going on here!! And though you can't see it in the photo, there are red and gold metallics glinting all over the piece. Very festive, let me tell you!

I was also inspired to design a matching ornament (a smaller design about 4.5" x 4.5") that can be stitched in coordinating colors or an entirely different palette - it's your choice. And while I was stitching on this red and yellow version, my mind's eye also saw it done with bright oranges instead of the reds - to make a fun Halloween piece - so I've included an orange colorway on the pattern, too.

There are no difficult stitches in this piece; it's all done with Diagonal Satin Stitches of varying lengths. Here's a close-up of the design to show you how easy it really is:

The only different stitch is the "long triangle" I invented to create the hot pepper border. I'm pleased with the look of this long triangle and plan to use it in future quilts, just to have something new to work with.

So if you're looking for something fresh and fun and EASY to stitch up in-between long, hard stitching projects, you might like to try my RED HOT PEPPERS! Please visit my website (shown on the list at the right) for more detailed information.


  1. I love it!!! Bright, cheerful and fun! Thanks for another great design.

  2. The long triangle is a great idea!

  3. It is a real beauty! Thank you for showing all the details!

    Best wishes,
