Monday, August 1, 2011

Inspiration Strikes!

Last week, I was wearing a a pair of pants I made many years ago out of a serene batik cotton print. All day long, while I was wearing them I kept looking down at the patterns on the fabric and thought they would make a very cool stitchery design.

See what I mean?

Finally I couldn't stand it any more. I stopped what I was supposed to be doing and sat down and drafted a composition that incorporated a few of the simple fabric patterns, plus a few other motifs that would create the look and feel of a tropical Hawaiian piece.

I scanned the drawing into my Adobe Illustrator program and started working out the graph lines and project dimensions. Once satisfied with the rough layout, I pulled out a handful of blue, aqua and teal threads and started stitching.

I spent all day yesterday sitting on my covered patio stitching, while Katie snoozed on the lawn. And here's what I got done:

I intended to just get the main areas established (so I could take this project to a friend's stitch-in this coming weekend), but I had so much fun stitching each of the areas, I couldn't stop working on it and sheesh, I might have it almost finished by the time the weekend comes around! All that remains to be designed is the Hawaiian-type floral motif in the lower diamond... but no worries! I'm confident that I can create just the right flower motif to finish this piece.

(Psst: Although the photo makes it look like I'm stitching on sage green canvas, I'm really working on the brighter aquamarine canvas, so I have an aqua background on the unstitched areas...)

Anyway, I'm hoping I'll be able to complete the graph and text instructions just as quickly as I can, so I can release this design while the summer is hot and cool projects are a stitcher's necessity! Until then: "Aloha, Stitchers -- and stay cool and serene wherever you are..."


  1. Wow, you are on talented stitcher/designer! Absolutely beautiful.

  2. I think this is one of your best designs. I love it! Janis Lee

  3. Seu blogo é muito especial.
    Parabéns e sucesso.
    Um abraço

  4. Beautiful! And in my colors too! Can't wait for the design to be available!

  5. Laura, I love this one! I have to have it!!!

  6. Oh my! It's fantastic! Hope to see it's finished soon - love every detail and colour!

    Best wishes,

  7. Just beautiful and the colors are favorites. Love your designs, and will have to have this one too!

  8. These are the colors in my master bedroom of my beach condo. Why wait until next year to release it?

  9. This is fabulous, I have to have it!!

  10. gorgeous design ! It's been a long time since I've done one of yours but this and the Christmas tree 2011 are on the *MUST DO* list.

  11. Very useful material, thank you for the article.
