Friday, August 26, 2011

A Little Repanelling Project

Over the past few weeks I've had some nice chats with several stitchery store owners about their having classes for my ONE LONG PANEL design in particular. It's been very satisfying to know that stitchers are having fun stitching up these panel projects.... and even more satisfying to know that stitchers are expanding their own creative knowledge and confidence by changing colors and making the panel design their OWN through their color picks!

Recently I received a call from TWO THE POINT in Overland Park, Kansas. They're planning to hold a class in a few weeks and were ordering a few more patterns, since they've had more people sign up. The stitchers there are all choosing their own color combinations, so each one will be a unique surprise for the stitcher when it's done. How fun is that?

And a while ago, THREAD & EYE in London, Ontario sent me a link to see the photos from the group of stitchers who were also taking a ONE LONG PANEL class in the store. Go check out and then click on the "One Long Panel Class" listed on the right side of the website. You'll see all sorts of color combinations for this design. And each one looks totally different than the next!

Hearing from stores and stitchers about how much they are enjoying stitching my projects really gives me a boost of creative energy. I'm so glad stitchers are having fun with my pieces ... and let me tell you: it inspires me to keep on stitching and designing fun projects to share with all of you! So Thank You, Stitchers for all your interest and support for my designs. I truly, truly appreciate hearing from you all!!


  1. This Panel project is so beautiful!
    Colours are nice and calming!

