Monday, January 9, 2012

Mini Mystery Monday #4, pt. 2

Are you ready to add some sparkly metallic color to your new design?

You should have your center star and surrounding "snowflake" stitched by now, so let's add some glittery excitement to your work so far...

There are several places to add some Smyrna Squares and Stars in the design you've already stitched. Using one strand of whatever metallic ribbon thread you've chosen, go ahead and follow this graph to add a bit of bling to your project:

And although I'm sure you know how to make those fun Smyrnas, here's a detail graph to use as a reminder:

How do you like your little snowflake motif now? Pretty cute, huh?

After you have your metallic stitches added, step back a moment and take a good look at this design. It should look something like mine:

Just as it looks right now, can you see how you could create a larger design by stitching four more of these snowflakes, and arranging them in a square so they just barely touch (leaving 1 or 2 canvas threads between each snowflake)? Each snowflake motif is roughly 3.5" in size, so if you did another three of them you could create a larger blackwork design that measured roughly 7" x 7" on 18 ct. canvas. (The design would be considerably smaller if you stitched it on 24 ct. Congress Cloth, as well...) Using some computer magic, here's what it would look like:

Next Monday we'll add a quick border that repeats a few of the snowflake elements and before you know it, you'll have another little project finished!
See you next week...

1 comment:

  1. I'ts so beautiful,i love it.You have a verry beautiful blog.Marie-Claire from Belgium
