Thursday, January 26, 2012

An Old Favorite

I was doing a bit of pattern printing this week, and every time I print an older pattern of mine, I find something new and different to like about it.

Take FEATHERED DIAMONDS, for instance.... one of my first designs done 'way back in 2000.

It only uses two skeins of any variegated Watercolours thread you like, plus 2 skeins (or 1 ball) of #5 pearl cotton in ecru, or any pale background color.  I think I used Watercolours 51 - "Abalone" on this original model.... but everytime I print it out I'm struck again at how timeless this design is, yet complicated enough for the eye to find something interesting to look at!

And without lots of thread color changes, you get the chance to really absorb the luscious colors in the solo variegated skein you've chosen for the piece. If you have a particular thread color you love, this would be a great pattern to highlight it, I think. Really, this design is an elegant feast for the eye...yet retains a bit of Amish simplicity, too.

I love all the little triangles that edge all the border strips.  I love the central diamond square by itself and think it would make a sweet little ornament just this size:

But then I really, really like the wavy ecru border that frames the center, and would like to make another ornament that shows THAT off as well...

And then I wonder what it would look like with metallic threads used in the circle motifs found in the corners or in the wavy ribbon border... And really, there's no reason why a solid color couldn't be added to the mix in  the outer borders or in the wavy ribbon lines....

Sigh.... so many options to play with in this one simple pattern...  I wish I had time to explore them all!


  1. You are SO right! I can think of lots of ways I'd love to stitch that design. Each one would be so different, I could display several at the same time and no one would notice they were all the same chart! ~ Lorraine

  2. such a lovely pattern. I love the colours you chose.
