Monday, November 26, 2012

Mini Mystery Monday, November finish

Now that you have the foundation work completed on your November piece, it's time for the fun stuff: adding the final touches that really make this ornament special.

Here's the final November graph for you to use:

And here's the up-close graphs for the acorn and leaf elements you can work in the boxes:

You can choose to work both of these elements, as the graph shows..... or, you can pick just one of the elements (either the acorn or leaf) and stitch them in both boxes.  (FYI: Turn your leaf graph around, so the second leaf goes in the opposite direction.)   Just an idea: You could also attach seasonal buttons in those open spaces, if you'd like something a bit more dimensional and fast!

And Ho, Ho, Ho!  For an extra treat, I've graphed a few simple holiday elements that can be substituted in those box spaces, if you would like to re-stitch the design in festive holiday colors:

How's that for a truly multi-purpose ornament, that's easy to stitch, and fun to use up odds and ends of threads?!

By the way, here's how my model turned out, with both elements in place (it has a sort of rustic sampler look to it, doesn't it?):

You'll see that I used metallic french knots in place of gold beads -- either beads or knots can be used to finish your piece.  You might also notice on my outer border areas, where the two patchwork sections meet, I laid a gold straight stitch, to separate the different patterns.  I thought it looked more "patchworky" that way, but please use your own judgement for how you'd like to finish YOUR PIECE.

I hope you've enjoyed stitching this one; there are soooo many different ways you can change this design, I'm sure you'll have fun playing around with it, and whipping out a few gift ornaments, if you're so inclined.

See you on another Monday......


  1. Thank you yet again! You had a great idea to design this for multiple uses.

  2. je te découvre grâce à Anne-Marie ! Merci beaucoup pour ces très belles grilles !
    Bizzes de l'Abeille du Jardinoux

  3. Dear Laura! Thank you for sharing your amazing design! I have made this one:) I love it! I show my work on blog - Please be invited:) Hugs form Poland and thank you again!:)

  4. I have made this amazing design!:)
    You can see my work on blog: Thank you sooo much! You are a very talented! Hugs from Poland!:)

  5. How I can join this club please??? I love handarger
