Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Delectable Update

This month I've chosen another favorite old quilt design, called DELECTABLE MOUNTAINS, to revamp/update and create much better color graphs to stitch from.  Here's what it looks like:

This pattern and its teal/blue/green colors always reminds me of a hand-knitted ski sweater..... and so it seems an appropriate one to share with you this month! 

This one's rather unusual because it has a dark outer border, but doesn't it create an interesting "snowflakey" look to the whole piece?  By the way, that dark green color used throughout the piece is a variegated Watercolours - 083, "Pine Forest" to be exact....

If you're interested in this fun quilt design, please visit my website and get more information on the new improved DELECTABLE MOUNTAINS.

1 comment:

  1. Long been a focus of your blog, love and congratulations to the samples of the finished gear too!
    As beautiful harmony!
