Monday, August 5, 2013

A Touch of Fall

Here in northern California, there's a faint touch of fall in the air, and the grapes have started to ripen a few weeks early ~ even though it's only the beginning of August.  And that reminds me that it's time to offer "HARVEST TIME" as a fall cyber class again. 

I don't know what it is about this project  ~ whether it's the plump clusters of grapes that are so fun to stitch, or if it's the rich luscious burgundy & green colorway of Watercolours "Camouflage" ~ but it's definitely a favorite of mine, and from what I can tell from stitchers around the globe asking for it, it's a popular favorite of stitchers as well!

So now's the time to think about harvesting some of your own grapes.....

Go visit my website: to read all about this fun up-coming class and register for it today.  

(And if you want to open a bottle of wine and raise a glass in celebration of the coming fall harvest, go right ahead!)


  1. It is so beautiful! I just love grapes in the middle!


  2. Oh... this was such fun to stitch last fall!!!

    Everyone.. you will absolutely LOVE it! Do sign up... the instructions are easy to follow and the resulting piece is gorgeous!

  3. I love it congreatulation Marie-Claire
