Monday, October 7, 2013

Love Those Ribbons!

It's been ages since I've created a ribbon project, so I thought it was time to introduce a new cyber class that has a few fun ribbons in it.  Oooh La La!  I'm calling it "Ribbons & Monogram" and it looks like this:

It's a small project, 7" x 8.5", done on the old-fashioned brown mono canvas, just to give it an antique look.
There are just three ribbons, but each one is different and equally fun to stitch.  I've also designed a special alphabet that is a little bit Victorian, a little bit French, n'est pas?

And because I couldn't narrow it down to just one colorway, I thought I'd offer the stitcher several color options (each one equally yummy):

The cyber class registration runs from now until the end of November, and the class will start in January 2014, after the hectic holiday season winds down.  So if you're looking for a special treat for yourself, or a fun project to kick off  the new year, why not visit my website and see more of the particulars regarding this new "Ribbons & Monogram" cyber class -- including the specific Watercolours threads and #5 pearl cottons used in each of the colorways.


  1. Wow, this looks like a beautiful project, I'm eyeing off the red colourway: it looks delicious.

  2. FELICITATION c'est magnifique toutes vos broderies sonts magnifique bonne journee Marie-Claire

  3. This may sound stupid, but where is your site? I'd really like to do that course on ribbons, they're amazing!
