Friday, September 5, 2014

Time for a New Cyber Class!

Many years ago (well, 14 to be precise) I designed a monochromatic geometric piece called PINK PARFAIT:

Over the years it's been a consistently popular piece, even though it takes some time to stitch it on the finer 24 ct. Congress Cloth and is worked with only two DMC floss solid colors and one fine metallic thread.

Just recently a stitcher emailed me about her interest in stitching PINK PARFAIT but didn't want to work it on 24 ct. Congress Cloth; could it be stitched on 18 ct. canvas instead?   So I pulled out the model and propped it in my office.  As I studied it, I wondered how it would look if I updated the design a bit -- revising some the stitch patterns, and using variegated silk threads on 18 ct. eggshell canvas this time around.

Well, folks, here's how it turned out:

(Please note: the photo of the pink version is turned "on point"; although the piece is actually stitched in the direction shown in the teal version above.  With this project you have the option of framing it either way -- and how cool is that?)

And I must say, even though the 11.5" size is almost the same as the 12" one done on Congress Cloth, it definitely worked up a LOT faster!  And was VERY fun to stitch using a subtle variegated Waterlilies silk, with two matching Splendor silks and two different metallic ribbons.  Here's a peek at it up-close:

And after I had it stitched up, it occurred to me that this would be a really fun cyber class.  So  TA DA, that's how I'm presenting it to you:  as a new cyber class for November 2014, called PATCHWORK PARFAIT.

The stitching on this piece is very easy and soothing; nothing difficult here except the counting of the borders... In fact, the hardest thing about this piece was deciding which color of variegated thread I wanted to stitch it in!!  I wanted to stay with more monochromatic color skeins, so there weren't any big jumps in the color sections.  Ultimately, I whittled it down to these five luscious colorways, so stitchers have these choices for their piece:

So, Geometric Stitchers, if you are in the mood for a yummy new project that's lots of fun to stitch, please visit my website, Laura J. Perin Designs, and click on the LJP CYBER CLASS section to find out more about this upcoming PATCHWORK PARFAIT class.  Registration is open from September 5th until October 18th.


  1. I just tried to get to your website, to find out all the details about the class, but I just got a tripod website, and not yours!

  2. Hi Laura, your website isn't coming up just a page to build a website using tripod...

  3. Hi Laura, your website is not coming up. Just a page on tripod about building a website.

  4. Monique D (Maransart-Belgique)September 6, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    Je suis déjà depuis un certain temps votre blog qui m'intéresse beaucoup et surtout vos ouvrages que j'aime.
    Vous présentez "Time for a New Cyber Class". Qu'Est-ce que c'est et quelles sont les conditions ? Je ne comprends l'anglais que très sommairement.
    Monique D

  5. Just signed up for the class--so looking forward to it, Laura! I love your designs. They're exactly what I need to soothe & quiet me after a busy day.

  6. I love yours embroidery's have a nice day Marie-Claire
