Friday, December 23, 2016

Free Christmas Gift For You!

 Ho, Ho, Ho...
T'is the season for holiday treats and surprises, Stitchers,
so here's a sweet little stitching gift from me to you --
a fast and festive CHRISTMAS SQUARE:

If you stitched up the AUTUMN SQUARE I posted for Thanksgiving, 
you'll surely want to stitch this companion ornament
 in your favorite holiday threads.
It's just the right size for a hand-held project,
 a small design to work on after all your big holiday pieces have been stitched,
 or something you can tuck into a purse for an on-the-go piece!

I hope you all have the Merriest Christmas Season,
with lots of fun stitching projects, and lots of treats to eat, too!!


  1. Merci. Joyeux Noël entourée des personnes chères à ton cœur. Bizzouxx. Monia

  2. Merry Christmas and many-many thanks!

  3. thanx for another great pattern and I hope you've had a t'riffic Christmas and will have a great 2017!

  4. This is a lovely design and it's nice to see how it will look in your header too.
    Happy New Year!
