Friday, January 13, 2017

CLARA is Going to TNNA


Recently I finished the stitch guide for Sandra Gilmore's lovely canvas called CLARA, a piece I've been in love with for a while now.  This canvas is definitely a stitcher's showcase for all sorts of textures and threads: I used soft Bella Lusso merino wool mixed with fuzzy Wisper for the knit cap, coat and collar; slightly shiny rayon Neon Rays for the hair; #5 pearl cottons for the holly; and Very Velvet for the corsage ribbon.  Here's a detail photo:

CLARA's face was tent stitched in DMC floss colors, specifically chosen by Sandra for her designs. (Did you know your stitchery store can order a set of DMC floss threads called "Sandra's Skin Colors" from FLEUR DE PARIS, Sandra's distributor?  If you have a lot of Sandra's canvases in your stash, you might want to check it out...)

I love, love, love looking at CLARA, and am so glad I finally stitched her up this Christmas, so she matches the other canvas in the series called NUTCRACKER (which I created a stitch guide for a few years ago).  Remember him?

Both use the same colors and stitch patterns in the background and around the borders.

I've sent my CLARA model off to FLEUR DE PARIS, so they can show her off in their booth at the 2017 TNNA show in San Jose, CA next weekend.  If you're going to the show, please stop by and visit with CLARA and the fun folks at FLEUR!

Stitchers:  If you are interested in the stitch guide as well as the canvas, please contact your local stitchery store so they can order them for you.  If you just would like a stitch guide, I have them available on my website.

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