Friday, October 18, 2019

FYI: Spooky Stitchers...

Hey, All You Stitchers who have purchased my newest "SPOOKY HALLOWEEN SQUARE":
Just wanted to alert you to the fact that the sparkly black Kreinik #4 Braid 5008 I used for the spider web and spider is no longer available.    Rats.

It was actually called "Leprechaun" because it was a black metallic thread with flecks of green and gold in it.  But don't panic -- just use any fine black metallic you have in your stash, and if it has colored flecks in it, so much the better!  Kreinik still has 5001 and 5002 - both black metallics with colored flecks - and they would also work for spider webbing (and oh, yeah, I also used the sparkly black thread in the ghost's eyes and mouth).

You might also use some of Rainbow Gallery's fine Treasure Braid #4 size, such as the dark multi color TR79/ TR99 -- or really, any fine black metallic thread you have on hand.

So go looking in your thread stash, and I bet you can find something perfect for that little bit of spooky black sparkle in your piece!


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