Friday, April 3, 2020

Time for Easter Treats!

When you were a child, did you ever receive one of those magical sugar eggs, with a small Easter panorama inside?  I did... and it was always the highlight of my Easter basket!

For years I've wanted to stitch up one of those old-fashioned eggs, but could never think up a good border treatment that would work with the egg, so I never continued on the egg design.  Then this year, it occurred to me that a sugar egg would make a perfect centerpiece for another four-way bargello piece.  Eureka!  That was all I needed to get stitching.....  and here's what I came up with -- my new SUGAR EGG BARGELLO design:

This design is on the large size, 10.5" x 10.5", so it's hard to see all the fun details in the full photo above.  The rows of four-way bargello is truly fun to stitch; nothing difficult about that except counting correctly and changing between lots of bright pastel threads mixed with one variegated thread and two soft metallic Ribbon Floss colors.

Here's an up-close look at some of the springy motifs, starting with the flower bouquets in the corner.  Those sweet flowers remind me of the special candy eggs we kids received (from See's Candy) with pastel sugar flowers on top - Yum!  For my model, I stitched each corner bouquet in a different pastel color, but you could also stitch them all in your same favorite color.....

And here's a peek at the sugar egg itself, stitched with Wrapped Spider Webs for the egg icing, and filled in with regular Tent Stitch, using 1 strand of a sparkly white/opal Ribbon Floss thread:

And yes, of course, there's an Easter Bunny surrounded by tiny eggs as the inside scene!

I've stitched the model on rose blush pink canvas, just for something different...but you can certainly stitch yours on eggshell or sage green or any other springy color you fancy!  As you can see, I worked the outside background in a four-way stitch using a soft variegated green floss from ThreadworX, then on the inside, around the egg, I chose a sweet Dotted Swiss pattern that wouldn't distract from the egg itself.

So if you're in the mood to stitch up an Easter treat that brings a smile to your face, please hop on over to my website and see all the pattern information for my new SUGAR EGG BARGELLO!
Stay safe and keep on stitching, Everyone!!

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