Thursday, September 24, 2020

Fall Poppies

 I don't know about you, but I'm sooooo ready for fall this year!

Too much heat, too much fire danger, too much worry about everything around me....I can't WAIT for some cooling rain to calm things down and get us into a quieter, safer season. 

To get ready for the fall, I spent the late summer stitching up a new cyber class project called "RED POPPY SQUARE":

This is a small 8" x 8" piece worked on 18 ct. sandstone canvas.  I really enjoyed working in the warm greens, golds and reds (with a splash of lavender as well) which are drawn from the variegated Watercolours thread 290 - "Mystery Mix".  The thread colors reminded me of a wild autumn meadow growing with a vibrant mix of red poppies and other wildflowers.... I had lots of fun creating the four boxes of stitch patterns that include small red poppy motifs  - very fun stitching!

I also wanted to try to recreate the center red poppy with Splendor Silk Ribbons (actually a mix of solid red and variegated red silks).  I laid the darker sections of the variegated red silk down first, where the "shadows" might be in the petals, then overlaid the rest of the regular red stitches on top; then a simple outline stitch to define the petals... Just a fun, new technique to add to your ribbon skills!  Here's a peek up close:

So if you feel like creating a new piece that celebrates the changing of the seasons, please take a walk over to my website and see all the cyber class information on this brand new RED POPPY SQUARE....

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