Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Silver Stars

A while ago I shared with you the information about NATURE'S PALETTE, a home-based business out of Houston, Texas that hand-paints canvases for stitchers. (FYI: You can email them at for canvas info.) Well, they send me some yummy canvases to play with and this is the first thing I've stitched up:

I've quickly stitched up one of my new HOLIDAY ORNAMENTS on a 10" x 10" piece of 18 ct. "Silver Flash" canvas.

The canvas is medium blue with splashes of silver, so it has the loveliest of shimmers throughout the design. It was really fun to stitch up my little Shining Star in blues and silvers, and not have to worry about the background. Then, just to show off more of the canvas, I added a simple star border (in silver Ribbon Floss) around the edge, and VOILA! Project completed!

And while we're talking about stars, here's another small Shining Star canvas I stitched up many years ago (before the HOLIDAY ORNAMENTS pattern was born) using pastel blues and pinks and silvers:

So, if you're a star fan like me, get out some of those shiny, shimmery star designs and get stitching -- it will definitely put you in the holiday spirit!


  1. Both are absolutely beautiful!!!!

    Joanie R.

  2. Beautiful star ornaments! And blue canvas with sparkles - great idea!

    Best wishes,

  3. Amiga,estou encantada com sue trabalho. Sou professora de bordado e gostaria de tirar umas ideias do seu blog. Posso?
    Que em 2011 os horizontes se alarguem e os passos tenham direção certa. E, se chover felicidade, desejo uma tempestade para você.Iêda

  4. How beautiful! The canvas is outstanding and your design and thread choices perfect! Very festive.
