Monday, January 10, 2011


Welcome to Winter, Stitchers!

Is it cold and blustery where you are?
Are you cozy at home, with a warm drink close at hand and your stitchery projects clustered around you?
I certainly am.

This morning, I thought I'd take a look thru my design collection and find whatever patterns have a wintery theme to them. Here's the first one that came to mind, a quilt pattern called SNOWFLAKE STAR:

Here's a close-up of the snowflake blocks, with just a hint of icy sparkle in the little white squares (which doesn't show up in the photos, alas):

Here's another design I think of as wintry, and it's an Impressionist Collection piece called POLARIS:

I designed this with the bright night sky in mind, with the silvery rays coming off the large center star. This always strikes me as a cooler, more masculine abstract than most of my other designs in this series. (Although I must tell you that one stitcher commented to me that this piece reminded her of busy freeways - and I can see what she means - can you?)

Stay warm and as always - keep stitching, too!