Anyway, a few years ago I decided to design my first bargello piece, which I called BARGELLO & ROSES:

I envisioned this design being made into a long, rectangular pillow that would show off the bullion-knot roses that run along the center of the piece. See?

I also thought that only a PART of the design could be stitched (there are notations on the pattern's main graph to that effect, if you want to try it yourself), and then inserted in a long pillow with two panels of tapestry fabric placed on either side. My Mom agreed to stitch up the bargello part of the model (while I did the bullion roses), and I thought it would be fun to see it done in yellows, like this:

(Have I sewn any of these projects into pillows yet? No. Maybe someday...)But I did hang the yellow BARGELLO & ROSES in my office and stare at it off and on for months.
Then one day, when I way looking at it from across the room, it struck me that it looked sorta like an Easter egg. Wow. Inspiration Struck. How fun would it be to make a bargello Easter egg and fill the center openings with favorite Easter treats like a bunny and flowers?
Well, I couldn't rest until I had the perfect egg shape (which, by the way, is devilishly hard to draw symmetrically by hand, but much easier to do using a computer!) and then I started filling it in with a softly rounded bargello pattern. And TA DA -- my springy BARGELLO EGG was born!
When I first saw the Bargello egg it made me remember easter eggs made from sugar pressed into molds and then you would hollow it out and put in scene inside of the egg which the one I had as a kid had a rabbit inside of it. It was decorated on the outside with icing that hardened. I just love this design and thank you for bringing back such wonderful memories.
Babs - Sunflower Crossing blog
Oh, Laura J. Perin..... your creativity inspires me!!! I am in "stitching love" with your pink roses.....
And your Camellias are gorgeous!
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