Once in a while, I get the urge to pull out my fused glass materials and make a batch of fused glass "jewels" in my tiny jewelry kiln. They're very fun to make, and I like looking at the surprise "jewels" that are created. I've always thought they'd be great accents on needlepoint projects; and indeed, that was the reason I bought the small kiln many years ago.
I've only used the jewels on a few projects. It's harder than I thought to a) mass-produce lots of the same jewels, and b) create just the right jewels for certain projects. One of the best uses of fused glass jewels happened in my PURPLE PANELS design. Here's the whole design, which works vertically:

or horizontally:

I wanted to create something elegant and abstract, that could also incorporate a fused glass jewel in the design. And all of the blocks of patterns were really fun to stitch up.

All in all,
this is another one of my favorite pieces, and I never tire of looking at the different elements that make up this sophisticated abstract design.
I can certainly understand why this is one of your favorite piece.
I have been looking and looking at it, trying to figure exactly what its effect was on me.
First of all, it has a very relaxing effect, the design is very elegant and has that abstract quality you are talking about, colors go so well together and stitches complement each others.
I love the piece of glass material you have added to it, just perfect.
I don't tire of looking at this one, probably a quality of abstract design, each time you look at it you can see something different.
Pierrette =^..^=
This is a great piece! You should teach this and just have everyone bring their favorite attchment(s.
What a lovely piece! Thanks for sharing!
Oh! Now I need to go up to my LJP notebook to see if I have this pattern! Just when I thought I was going to do the whole "collage" series...you have to tempt me with this beauty! Woo Hoo!
Absolutely Stunning!
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