Are you a fan of SMALLS? I am.
I have a stitching friend who has quite a collection of those delectable little projects, and her enthusiasm for them has rubbed off on me. (That's one of the nicest things about sharing your love of stitching with other stitchers - you gain an appreciation of projects you otherwise might not even have been aware of.)
The same applies for reading the blogs of other stitchers: you gain an appreciation of projects you might not have seen before. Case in point: I stitched this little La de Da bunny sampler after catching a glimpse of it on someone's blog (visit Contemplating my Needle and Thread at right to see some lovely smalls.) I decided I just HAD to stitch him for Easter, and he just barely fits in this hinged frame I had...

(NOTE: My version of "smalls" is to stitch on 24 ct. Congress Cloth, using a half-cross stitch or a basic tent/basketweave stitch, instead of full cross stitches.)
I also enjoy browsing thru the small finished projects shown on the blogsite: The World's Largest Collection of Smalls. All of the projects are finished so beautifully, they are truly inspiring for all stitchers - whether you stitch those kind of objects or not.
So....although I haven't stitched any of the small matching accessories that are available from a variety of amazing teachers around the country, I certainly can appreciate all the work and dedication that goes into making them. And I must confess that they really do inspire me to stitch SMALL now and again!
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