Last week I spent most all my time printing up patterns for an upcoming trunk show at Needle in a Haystack in Alameda, California. They'll be highlighting my designs for the whole month of May, so I need to have a lot of stuff ready to ship to them this week. Because the store is "local" (i.e.: within driving distance), I'll actually be able to visit the store on Saturday, May 16th, for a "meet and greet" event that should be lots of fun.
The hardest part of getting ready for a trunk show (besides deciding how many patterns to print) is picking out which models to send. It's a well-known fact that patterns sell much better if stitchers get to see the actual model. As we stitchers all know, no photograph in the world can capture all the beauty of a real stitched piece. And really....no matter how hard you try, you simply can't photograph the depth and sparkle of a dimensional stitchery project.
So I usually spend a day pulling out lots of my models and laying them out on my bed, to decide WHICH models get to go on a trip to a stitchery store...

So..... if you're in the vicinity of Alameda, California anytime in May, stop by and say "Hi" to Cathe Ray and her staff at Needle in a Haystack and check out some of my REAL models!
You didn't say you're taking requests, but... I'm stitching Bluebonnet Collage and would love to see it in person! I live in Palo Alto, across the bay from Alameda, and have been wanting to check out Needle in a Haystack for quite some time.
Drats! I'm going to miss meeting you at Needle in a Haystack May 16.
But I will certainly visit the trunk show and pick up a pattern or two!
I wish I could be there to see all of the beautiful designs in person...
You are right....models do sell. And yours are great, that's for sure. Good luck with the showing!
I just had the pleasure of seeing the trunk show at my LNS here in Rochester, NY. It's certainly worth the trip. And yes... I added to my stash! Thanks Laura!
I had May 16 circled on my calendar with plans to be there for the "meet-n-greet" as I would love meet you...but, as luck would have it, I need to fly to MN for a family event. However, I am planning on making a Mother's Day event for myself by visiting the NiaH to view the trunk show (while the men/boys in my family enjoy Nations...aka mom doesn't have to cook! Nice trade off!). Looking forward to seeing models and adding to my stash!
Your work is so beautiful. Good luck at the Trunk show.
CJ in Texas.
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